For now most lyrics are translated into English, for translation in other languages will be published if all factors or my criterias matched.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The fixed version? Soon..
Are these subtitles self-made?

Yes, 1000% by myself. After I have translated the lyrics, I usually do subtitles as well.

How long do these subtitles take?

The subtitling process varies depending on the beat and length of each song. To work on the subtitles first, I must translate the lyrics of the song, translating the lyrics can take 1 hour to several days.

Can I do a support or donation for you?

Yes you can, your comments and shares are supports too. But if persist to do a tip or donation, just use these links:

The fonts are official from Microsoft Windows and Google:
1. Paypal (International):
2. Trakteer (Indonesia Only):
3. KoFi (International):

Why are there more translations than subtitles?

Because there are more songs than videos. It means more song lyrics and translations. And I also do subtitles only my fav artists and songs that sound good to me.

From where the videos came from and are you only subtitling music videos?

All these videos can be found on official YouTube channels. Yes, for music videos and shows, I only use official YouTube channels. Of course I also try to translate and create subtitles for videos like interviews, for interviews we can also get them from non-official YouTube channels, but I prefer the official ones.

Can I request a subtitle?

Yes you can, just leave a comment if I've translated the song lyrics, if there is no the translation in my other blog just request the translation there. Some lyrics maybe will be rejected due my policy.

Can I make a hardsub from these sofsubs?

The answer is: NO. You are NOT ALLOWED to hardsub, delete credits, re-upload and share the direct links of all softsubs on this blog. These subtitles are for personal use only, Because I don't want the same thing to happen again.

Why softsub and not hardsub?

Because softsub is lighter and smaller in size. And if there are any incorrect or inaccurate translations, it's easier to fix. The videos I use are sourced from YouTube, softsub is more flexible because it can be used in various video resolutions and remains clear. My laptop is not strong enough to render everything, a 3-minute video can take 1 hour, imagine how many videos there are.

What fonts are used?

The fonts I use are only 2, I choose fonts that are beautiful and have a high level of readability.

The fonts are official from Microsoft Windows and Google:
1. Kaiti (default Windows):
2. Fira Sans Condensed (Google Font):
3. Noto Serif Thai (Google Font):

What video player should I use?

I recommend this video player, free open souce video player.

Are these subtitles safe?

Yes, 1000% safe because I made them myself and I store them on Google Drive.

How to download the subtitles?

It's incredibly easy, every time you click "download" it will automatically tell you how to download the subtitles. Or you can follow this how to download the subtitle guide.

Why after I click download nothing happens (i.e loading or next button)?

If this happen there are 3 ways to solve it
1. Update your browser.
2. Do not use AdBlocker.
3. Do not use VPN.

How to use the subitles?

After you've installed the fonts and download the subtitles, just drag and drop the subtile into video. Or you can follow this how to use the subtitle guide.

Post a Comment

Thank you for your visit! Feel free to leave a comment if you need a translation in another language of a song lyrics.